Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Basics of baby fluid consumption and fluid excretion

Ok, I know that there's been a recent string of baby related posts here but please bear with me considering that this now takes up a quite large part of my life in general and nights in particular.

I have now empirically learnt quite a lot about babies and the fluid intake even though I am not the primary source of food for her. But the basic principles in babies and fluid intake goes something like this:

  1. Fluid is inserted into the main upper body cavity in moderate amounts

  2. Fluid is then secreted through the two main lower body half cavities

  3. In addition, fluid also is secreted back through the main upper body cavity with some additional output from the nostrils (depending on how you count, one or two cavities I would say

The really fascinating thing here is that I'm quite certain that the output in terms of sheer volume by far surpasses the input of fluid which leads me to the conclusion that babies actually produces some milk like substance in their own bodies just to keep the flow up.

She's a little vomiting angel by day, but I have photographic evidence that she turns into a monster during the night (see the picture, taken sometime around 3AM).


Unknown said...


Martin said...

Some sort of devil/angel.

aimlesswanderer said...

Do you burp her thoroughly after feeding? Allegedly I was infamous for chucking up (bubbles in the stomach?) milk at speed, and no one wanted to hold me until I had been burped by my parents. Who needed to carry around a spare change of clothing.

As long as she gains an acceptable amount of weight it's all good. Just tell yourself that, it will help.

Anonymous said...

You are of course absolutely justified in trying to indoctrinate young Miss Salarywoman to the proper salaryperson ways, but perhaps you should dilute the Chinese Chili oil mix a bit? She seems to be fuming...

Mr. Salaryman said...

Aimless - Well, so far she's more into farting than burping, but a spare change is required to carry around! But hey, she's growing day by day so somehow she's getting more than she excrets apparently...

Anonymous - Maybe the other way around, perhaps I should start mixing in some more chili oil with the milk?

aimlesswanderer said...

Hmm, farting can lead the inexperienced like myself to incorrect conclusions when doing the all important "sniff test". Ah, the joys of babies.

You gonna toilet train her in record time?

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