Now, I think it's more than clear to anyone who's spent any time in Japan that daytime tv on weekends is less than great here in Japan. Thankfully we have cable which means that I usually first try to check out the History Channel, Discovery Channel or National Geographic in hopes of some exciting documentary about WW2 or big guns and tanks.
However, even those channels doesn't always serve their purpose, lately there's been too much ancient Egypt and about the Universe for me on the first two channels. NGC on the other hand seem to have dedicated their full schedule now to repeat airings of "The Dog Whisperer" which for some reason has gotten the Japanese name "The Charisma Dog Trainer"... I like the kinda "A Queer Eye for your Dog" vibe that this show has going (but was shocked to see his wife appear in an episode...)
Well, it could be worse I guess and if you want me to come and train your dog, at least I'm getting educated...
I love that show; especially when he says things like "Can a woman control a rottweiler? Yes she can."
You should employ some of the techniques on baby sunshine, she'll be begging for rice cereal before you know it!
Calm and assertive! Be calm and assertive, Mr. Salaryman!
Jen B - Yeah, I can hear his great voice and accent saying that! I've seen that specific episode at least three times with Baby Sunshine, he really sorted out those two rottweilers!
Corinne - You bet I've thought about it, especially that part with forming the hand as a jaw and pinning the offspring down until they submit to my authority. I've actually been thinking of using that at work as well...
Taarne - First exercise, then discipline and then affection, in that order!
But c'mon, Cesar must be a closeted gay?!
I quite agree to the choice of programming : I'd rather have my kid / infant watch WWII documentaries or even Charisma Dog Trainers than some Tamori "pointing-running-shouting" kinda show, SMAP or no SMAP.
you need to acquire shows through the interweb. That way you aren't at the mercy of the TV schedulers.
I agree with you salaryman, the guy certenly has some shades of gayness or as you more adeccute put it: closeted gay lol
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