In the news, there's been mention on over 30,000 cases of people taken to the hospital due to heatstroke and a few hundred people dead due to the same so far this year and if the weather continues the figures are bound to build up further. I feel sorry for all the 100+ year old out there in Japan who has to cope with this heat (or, wait, maybe not?).
In order to somewhat cope with the heat, Mrs. Sunshine bought me a cooling "scarf" which basically is a scarf with frozen liquid packs inserted into it and meant to cool down the major blood vessels in the neck and as a consequence cool down the whole body when the heat is bad. I'm sure it works just fine, but it did carry with it a minor side-effect of me looking like a complete moron with a neck brace and not as pretty and nice as the girl in the advertisement. So, I'm still going around sweating.
I am sure if you got a version emblazoned with Hello Kitty, you would look suave and fashionable and not a complete moron at all.
If you use it at home...well only your wife will see it and she would say Kawaii instead of making fun, after all she did gave it to you. Although it would be a very sick reason to give you that just to make fun of you...hehehe I wonder if MY wife would do the second
You can try make up and wear something colorful, everyone in Tokyo will think that you're just being unique! Who knows, it could be new trend for the summer!
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