Of course, with two small children I have no gaping hole of free time and energy that needs to be filled either, so I have decided to end my bad consciousness for not posting more often and "officially" put this blog on an indefinite hold. At some point in the future when I have more time and energy and the work situation allows it I might pick it up where I left it, but if and when that would be I have no idea.
I really do hate when people stop blogging in the middle of something without bringing any closure to how things ended up so let me assure you that things are going well. The new job is great fun so far, Toddler Sunshine and Baby Salaryman are growing up way to fast or way too slow (depending on their attitude), but are healthy and keeping us busy. Mrs. Sunshine is also doing as well as can be expected after managing two small kids, but we are still having fun.
So, thank you all for following me for as long as you have. I am a bit curious on whether I have any followers from the first couple of years, if you have I would appreciate if you could drop a quick comment.
Thank you goes out to the small informal blogging community that formed around this blog, Chris, Corinne, Kathryn, Kamo, the Octopus (although he has also dropped of the radar now mostly) and everyone else on my blogroll! Also, thank you to everyone who has commented here at one point or another over the years, thank you tons, you are the guys and gals that kept it fun to blog.
I will still monitor my e-mail and this blog so if you want/need to reach me you can still drop a comment or send me a mail. So again, thank you all for reading all these years and see you around!
It was a great ride, thank you for the years of entertainment! I wish you the best.
Good luck to you and your family. Sorry to see you go.
Though I am a more recent follower, it is sad to see you go. But thanks for providing chuckles as well as closure. I too hate blogs left hanging.
Thanks for writing. :) Maybe I'll go back and start at the beginning one of these days. Good luck!
Although I get it, I really do.
Thanks for so many years of talen
Can't say I'm not disappointed, but I can completely sympathise with your reasons. It was, as has been said, a hell of a ride.
Good luck for the future and best wishes to you and your family.
Oooh, someone remembers me! Thanks for the shout-out. Pity about the blog, but I guess it was inevitable. We must meet up in the Ikebukuro Lockup again some time!
Myself, I've been busy with not much of general bloggable interest (but lots of anecdotes involving IT and India which I might find time to write down one day), and I'm in the middle of changing jobs which doesn't help (but which luckily for my sanity doesn't involve India).
thank you for all your years of writing. I enjoyed your posts and wish you the best of luck in the future.
Thanks for all the stories you posted about over the last few years. Hope everything goes well for you and your family. Hopefully something will happen that you can post about. Good Luck
As others have said, thanks for all the years of writing and entertainment. Your blog will be missed!
2 years maybe more. It was a very cool and long run. As always, it is sad to see things end, specially my outmost fav. blog.
Take care and good riddance
Sorry to see you go, but can't say I didn't see it coming. Been reading for only a couple of years, but I did go back and read it all from the start. Thank you so much for giving us all a little closure! Good luck!
I will miss captain awkward most.
You inspired me to start my own blog and what a great opportunity to fill your readers void with my www.swedishinvention.com blog.
"Den enes död - Den andres glöd"
Otsukaresama deshita! I enjoyed reading your stories when you were at your old job.
BTW my blog url has changed!
Have a great golden week ;)
Thank you for sharing your amusing stories about Japan! Been reading since ~2010 when I lived in Tokyo!
Best of luck for the future.
Hey...look who's late!!
Man....You are THE longest running commenter from back when I had a School blog that got maybe 1 comment...yours.
Twitter and a host of other things have really killed blogging. It has created attention spans that are infinitely short and knowing folks copy and pasted on e line and commented on that...and probably read nothing more is fucking ...deflating. I wrote exactly 1/2 the # of posts year 2 as in year one and it looks like I'm going to half that this year.
If the return of the output...the feedback were as before it might be worth it but it isn't...so it isn't.
Gonna miss you. Never met you but you know more than most around me do. Gonna miss you bro.
Hope you always have a nice breeze pushing from behind with a warm sun shining on your face.
**Ouch...I feel bad**
Just noticed the school is still linked to.
Stay awesome bro!! :)
That site will be revived soon as I let the current one slowly die on the vine.
Sad to see you go but can understand not wanting to get in work trouble.
But if your happy then I guess it's okay... come back, perhaps, maybe when everyone's much older.
Thank you all for the warm send-off!!! Thanks again for everyone for keeping the blog alive with your comments and interest. See you around and I won't be too far away!
Hmmm...the hero keeps his identity secret, ready to embrace normality for while at least. Parenthood, that's a whole 'nuther universe.
"How long you think he'll be away?"
"Two years, max."
To be continued...
Sad that another good blog will be silenced. Best of luck to you. Thanks for all the giggles.
Wow, looks like you've got some fans with the NONONONONONO 'n all!
Came here from Chris' blog - he speaks highly of you.
Liked the way you wrote this. Funny no gaping hole with two small kids - I get that for sure!
Glad you wrote '(for now at least)' :) Cheers.
(great comic drawing)
The best of luck to all your future endeavours, man! Been a blast reading this blog all these years.
(Though I have to admit a slight disappointment in the lack of recent appearances by God-Jesus. I hope it advised you in this matter, and this is the way to the salvation for that small part of your soul that hasn't been thoroughly corrupted by Japanese mascots.)
Sad to see you go...
...But glad life is going well for you!
Awwww man... I JUST got really into your blog. Oh well. I understand.
Good luck! And I hope you keep posting from time to time!
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