Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Troika has such a positive vibe to it in a political context, let's revive it!

Things are getting even more insane in Japanese politics, first full blown political asshole Ozawa was going to challenge current prime minister Kan to try and usurp his position and end his 3 month long reign of terror of the DPJ party and the country of Japan, with former prime minister Hatoyama popping up again as a wanna-be kingmaker... You would think that after his obscene failure as a prime minister after less than a year despite massive support in the election would have taught him a lesson to keep his head down.

But now, for some bizarre reason, either the party has realized that having Kan replaced by Ozawa would result in further lowered approval rates due to Ozawa's general unpopularity, or Hatoyama is just being confused again. But yesterday, in a late night press conference, Hatoyama starred again next to Kan and they both mumbled about moving forward in a "Troika Structure" (probably involving Kan, Hatoyama and Ozawa). News in Japanese here.

I dunno who thought it would be a good idea to use the word "Troika" in a political context here... The Democratic Party of Japan has turned from an embarrassing failure into a desperate clownshow here... All of a sudden "Everyone's Party" or "Rise Up Japan Party" doesn't seem so bad after all...


aimlesswanderer said...

Seriously, the "faceless men" of the Australian Labor Party have nothing on the DJP and the LDP's "faceless men".

Why stick with one PM for more than a year when we can all have a go, short though it may be!

I wonder if they all get beefed up pensions, free flights, free staff, free accommodation, etc even though they were only in office for a month?

Mr. Salaryman said...

You might be onto something here! Maybe the PM position could be put on a weekly basis rotation or so, should shake things up a bit, maybe a weekly Troika?

I'm sure they get a lot, probably a nice "pension" as well since the system probably never took into account that some people might not last long as a regular thing...

aimlesswanderer said...

From memory there are heaps of MPs, so they had better limit themselves to a week each. May as well have a scheduled rotation so people know what to expect. In that case nothing at all would get done except by the bureaucracy, which seems to be like a law unto itself.

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