We did it again....
This one will be our last one for sure (?!) but now Ms. Salaryman Jnr. 2 has joined the family.
The first nine months of pregnancy is a general bee's nest of nervousness, but everything turned out well, apart from the men in the family now being outnumbered 2-3...
In a year or so, things might get back to normal blogging I assume...
2025 NHK Taiga Drama: Berabo (Unbound) Eps. 8 (Auberginefleur Synopsis)
"Berabō" (Unbound) Eps. 8: "Magobei Strikes Back: Urokogataya’s
‘Kinkin-sensei' " 「逆襲の『金々先生』」 (originally aired on NHK Feb. 23 (Sun) Segawa
(formerly Hana-...
4 days ago
Congratulations :)
NEVER. THINGS WILL NEVER BE NORMAL AGAIN. Seriously, probably best just to accept that and move on.
That said, congratulations! Is that three now?
Congrats on your addition. Growing up the boys were heavily outnumbered. Good luck.
As an insta-step-parent.... things have not gone back to normal. I have thus accepted this step-parent life as normal until I join the divorcee stats for a second time or the tyke high tails it out at legal age. I foresee the former more plausible than the latter.
A little late, but congrats! Glad I checked back in. =)
Hello there Mr Salaryman
I came across your blog a couple of years ago but for a long while didn't have time to read it, so when I found myself with some time on my hands over Easter, I went all the way through from start to finish (excluding, that is, one or two posts with not-work-safe photos, which I'll have to save for a later date!).
I just wanted to write and say that I really enjoyed it. As well as the humour (which oddly enough I found to be quite British), the cultural reference points, and the observations about Japanese life, I particularly like the fact that you never seemed to be taking the blogging thing too seriously - no plans for world domination, no agenda, no mission to analyse Japanese culture for benefit of the masses etc.
The corporate stuff is, of course, the most interesting, and having been part of that world - albeit somewhat indirectly - in a previous job, I can well believe how surreal and ridiculous it gets.
There is, though, one thing that's been bugging me: back in the days when you were working for the consulting company, one of your colleagues was the romantically inexperienced guy Mr M. It would seem that he did eventually pop his cherry, so to speak, but in the blog you kind of glossed over this, so what exactly are the gory details? The world needs to know!
But anyway, thanks again for your insights, and I hope life continues to be good for you as both a salaryman and a father.
All the best
PS. You may be interested to know that I went to IKEA in Misato a few weeks ago and purchased some Swedish coffee and crispbreads in your honour!
Congrats. Best wishes.
congrats for the couple. love female domination in home (like ours)
6 years since the last post and I still check in every now and then just to see if there's been a new blog post. This will probably be the last time I check this site out though. If you ever see I hope things are going well in your life.
God jul och gott nytt år!
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