Sunday, November 7, 2010

The sleep of the just

Baby Sunshine is, as the name indicante, a quite small baby. And although it's not the easiest thing to get her to wind down enough to relax and get the naps that she needs, she does sleep quite deeply when she gets down to business, sometimes doing those adorable baby snores as well.

Most of the time, WWIII erupting in her room, loud music, bears scavenging for food, shouting, Chinese boats slamming into her side could not bother her less, she'll just sleep through it. However, one thing that I have noticed is how extremely delicate her ears seem to be to any sounds related to the nose. Sniveling a little or blowing one's nose will immediately result in one cranky little baby girl, even if it's done very softly and not in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping baby...

With an onset of allergy that hits the mucus production, I now usually try to put at least two closed doors between me and the sleeping baby to keep things peaceful. Why didn't any of those baby books mention this?


Chris said...

I don't even wanna know the title of that DVD. Please don't tell me there is such a thing as a crying fetish.

aimlesswanderer said...

I do remember something about a "Crying Girl" DVD. Another one of those "only in Japan" moments which do nothing but suggest that Japan is a very strange place.

And various relos with kids have suggested that you should be as noisy as normal when the baby is asleep, or else it will get used to there being no noise at all while sleeping...

Blue Shoe said...

That's gross. Look at that snot.

Mr. Salaryman said...

Chris - Well, the title is hardly that unsettling; "Crying Woman/Girl", but apparently there are people who go for that...

Aimless - Believe me, we are hardly that quiet, it's just those nose sounds that seem to rub her the wrong way

Blue Shoe - Yep, I agree, but it can hardly be real snot, that kinda volume of snot just seem a bit unreal

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