Well, sticking to the facts: The God-Jesus was a toy made by large famous Japanese toy manufacturer Bandai and was released in 1985 when the future and Robots were the coolest topic around. However, one can but wonder what made the Japanese designers name it "God-Jesus" and stick a cross in its hand. Whichever way you look at it, it is clear that the God-Jesus was very much a child of its time and I have difficulties seeing that a toy nowadays could be named "God-Jesus" since awareness of other cultures and religions has increased in Japan since 20 years back.
The toy is little of a rarity but not impossible to get your hands on (as proven by me) since it does show up from time to time on Japanese auction sites for reasonable sums of money (around US$30). You know you want one!
I love that the kids demonstrating the God Jesus have their hands together "praying" their questions.
I find this comment offensive! Of course they should have their hands together - it's God-Jesus after all!
Wow, God-Jesus sure is giving out mixed signals... he likes her, but she doesn't like him? But she's happy about him liking her....
Either God-Jesus is just stirring stuff up, or that girl is evilly controling that poor boys emotions.
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