In any case, during the day I found myself in the toilet since my bowels had drawn my attention to a need to be emptied. This is nothing special or unusual in itself, I think it's something that most of my readers will recognize. As I was happily sitting in one of the three booths in the office bathroom, in the middle as it happened due to the fact that the other booths were taken. The person to the right of me obviously had a bit of a rough time with his stomach based on the sounds coming from there, but hey, it's a toilet so I don't judge the guy. I was peacefully sitting there, doing my thing and contemplating life the mobile phone of the guy to the left of me rings pretty loudly. I expected the guy to just not take it or press the "busy" button but instead, to my utter surprise, I hear the guy taking the phone and answer in a cheery voice.
Please note that during this, pandemonium is reigning in the bathroom, courtesy of the guy in the right hand booth, I'm getting up and flushing the toilet, all the while the guy is happily babbling away on his mobile phone to the (probably) customer on the other end, who must hear some of what is going on in this hostile environment...
Maybe it's just me, but I'd prefer a sales rep to not take my call if he's busy taking a crap... At least I've only heard this happen once...
Maybe he was taking a call from UFJ Mitsubishi Bank asking him if he'd prefer them to call him on his cell phone?
Oh, I see what you just did here! You tied it back to my earlier post and then implied that he might've had a similar call! Clever!
A former roommate of mine once actually MADE a phone call to a friend while said roommate was on the toilet. And naturally, his first words were "Hey, I was just thinking of you."
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