Martin is, by the way, the guy who designed the logo for my site. Me and Martin go way back, as far back as I've known anyone outside my immediate family since we first met at the age of 5 and bullied another kid to tears together (ok, that wasn't very nice of us, but the kid was annoying and we were young and stupid). Then after going to elementary school together and going in slightly different directions at high school we always remained friends (if I divide my group of friends they can usually be categorized into "University friends", "Tokyo friends", "Consulting company friends" etc, but Martin kinda defies these categories). In fact, his old phone number is so firmly implanted into my DNA that I am sure that it will be the last phone number to remain in my demented brain at old age.
Not one to miss out on an opportunity, I am considering several options to trick him into utilizing those artistic skills for the benefit of this blog. The trickery will most likely need to involve food, cold beer and videogames. Meanwhile Mrs. Salaryman-Sunshine is partly fascinated and partly disgusted by our gibberish talking in Swedish and crude customs.
Not one to miss out on an opportunity, I am considering several options to trick him into utilizing those artistic skills for the benefit of this blog. The trickery will most likely need to involve food, cold beer and videogames. Meanwhile Mrs. Salaryman-Sunshine is partly fascinated and partly disgusted by our gibberish talking in Swedish and crude customs.
"I strongly believe that the name was chosen due to the ability to write the name backwards without causing any confusion. "
Funniest line of the week...and it's only Wednesday!!
Good stuff!!
How come an old phonenumber can get stuck like that? I also remember the phonenumber that a friend had back in the 80ies... yet I struggle to remember my own number home and I've had it for three years now. :D
Hey, is that the baby you posted a pic of side-by-side with a pic of E.T.? That still cracks me up every time I think about it.
Chris - You think that's funny? What's really funny is that I confirmed that it was a factor in selecting the name...
Mattias - Yeah, but I guess if you called your friends number around 3 times/day for a period of around 15 years, those figures are bound to be imprinted in your soul, I very rarely call myself...
JT - I'm impressed! That is the same baby and the same guy! I didn't even remember that I posted that one before, but to give credit where credit is due, he made that picture himself and sent it to me
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