Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hey, what about the sports?!

As I sometimes watch the news on the local Japanese tv, it's inevitable that I also happen to watch some sports news. If you have been following this blog I think the obvious lack of posts mentioning sports make it pretty clear that I am no huge sports fan. I do follow the major events, and with a former very serious tennis player in Mrs. Sunshine-Salaryman it is hard to completely avoid sports, but active watching from my side is more limited to big soccer games and huge events such as the Olympics (the ice-hockey world cup is one event I would actually want to watch, but I’ve yet found any channel that shows it…).

Well, in any case, watching the sports news in a regular news broadcast is usually pretty predictable since the news are focused on three sports in particular; baseball, golf and sumo wrestling (when it’s tournament time). But not only are these sports in focus, it is also predictable who the news will focus on in these sports...

Nowadays the sports usually start with some stuff about golf wunderkind Ryo Ishikawa (he seem to be playing roughly 1.3 tournaments/day all over the world and around 50% of the time is allocated to him usually) then followed up with some news about Ichiro’s latest achievements in the US baseball league (if the Yankees have finished, then usually they do a little Matsui, but Ichiro is the first choice!) and then, finally, if there’s a sumo tournament, they show a little of Mongolian born sumo wrestler Asashoryu’s recent antics (my favorite was when he won a match and gave the opponent a foot in the (sizeable) butt as he was falling out of the ring, something that’s not suitable for the noble sport of sumo). Maybe, if there’s a little time left a minute is dedicated to showing some goals from the UEFA cup, preferably if a Japanese player was involved but only from separate matches with no report on league status to give an overhead picture of the situation.

The pattern is very predictable but hopefully we will soon have some new scandal with Sumo wrestlers on the chronic/pot/weed/grass/ganja to shake things up a bit!


RMilner said...

I expect you miss the cricket.

aimlesswanderer said...

The Aussie thugby union team is apparently heading over there, so you should hear a bit about the Japanese team getting thumped despite being enthusiastic.

Mr. Salaryman said...

RMilner - You'd have to pay me a lot to watch cricket, especially since I heard somewhere that a game can take days...

Aimless - Well, that's really a no-event, the Japanese rugby team doesn't really stand an even theoretical chance of beating the Aussie team in that sport...

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