Just saw this commercial for a "Pachinko" game and found it quite amusing and also quite realistic portrait on how some people react when a seat opens up in the train during the morning rush...
2025 NHK Taiga Drama: Berabo (Unbound) Eps. 8 (Auberginefleur Synopsis)
"Berabō" (Unbound) Eps. 8: "Magobei Strikes Back: Urokogataya’s
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1 day ago
I totally saw this on TV last night. Very true. Actually made me think of your blog posts.
Let me get all pedantic here: that can't be the morning rush hour because it's clearly one of those 6-door carriages where the seats are folded back until 10am.
Natalie - Haha, yeah, to be honest I thought of my own posts too!
Penguin - You are correct I must admit. Always hated those cattle carts they have in the morning... Good thing I don'T ride the yamanote anymore at least.
My father in law once got on the train and got a seat.
He sat down.
He stood up to put his briefcase in the luggage rack.
Someone scooted in and bagged his seat.
Dear Mr Salaryman. I Don't remember a Japanese guy in the Matrix. Does that mean I am a bad man?
This is funny because....it's true.
I look like a total fool trying to sit down on a busy train, my shoulders never ever fit into the space so I always stand. But I see people pull some pretty fantastic contortion-ism to wiggle in when a seat opens up.
Seen people dash for it, semi-dive for it, sort of barrel roll into it, slime into it, slam into it and even one guy swing into it. Collapsing into it is also a favorite.
Gaijinass - Thanks for the comment and nice to see you here. Sorry for being late on replying, I'm pretty lazy to reply back on old posts! But yeah, I've gotten pretty good at it, the basic technique that I use is to make my body as close to jelly as I can and "pour" myself down into the seat. Works relatively well despite my larger than average body size!
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