Saturday, July 31, 2010
The secret of the high life expectancy in Japan revealed!

Friday, July 30, 2010
Caring for your husband!

With that little disclaimer out of the way, I must admit that I find the blog of Corinne "Always leaving things unfinishe(d)" is one I discovered pretty recently and find quite amusing. Even though I've lived in Japan for many years now and am not particularly interested in general observations on life here, the life that she's living out in the countryside, under siege by the in-laws and some quite interesting relatives passing by, is quite different from the things that I experience here and quite amusing. Somehow I feel that it would make for quite an amusing sitcom.
Also, dwelwing into the comments section is another almost surreal experience since it's populated by a whole community of foreign born women married to Japanese men there trading tricks of the trade and making me feel like a trespasser.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The fire is lit - Manliness recovered thanks to the Almighty Charcoal!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Crocodile sightings in lake in Nagasaki prefecture - Beware!

A picture was also taken of one of the little critters (although nothing really indicates that it's actually taken at the location it's said to be from) and shown to an "expert" zoologist at a closeby zoo. His expert opinion was:
"Well, it looks like you can see an eye here and it seems like the nose is over there, so it looks like it might possibly be a crocodile but I can't really tell for sure" and then very expertly added "crocodiles are not supposed to be in this area so if it really is a crocodile it must be someone who let them loose in the lake" (somehow I have the feeling that that's basically the same thing that I could've said, with little to no expertise in the area of reptiles in general and crocodiles/alligators more specifically...).
Here's the picture for your very own insightful analysis.
Signs has been posted around the lake to warm people to be careful and the local authorities has set out on a crocodile hunting expedition setting traps loaded with tasty raw chicken. The cages were of the size to hold a small to medium sized housecat indicating that they hardly are on the hunt for giant sized killer crocs, or maybe they should since they did not yield any harvest. When interviewed the guy leading the hunt admitted:
"We don't really have any expertise at all here in Nagasaki when it comes to crocodile hunting so we might need to consult some experts for advice", to his credit, he seemed to see the humor in the situation (my advice: at least find a better expert than the one interviewed by the tv news or just pay me some money and ask me).
...I have a feeling that there will be many more crocodile sightings all across Japan now in the near future... I'm a bit torn whether to actually believe this, after all, it's not unfeasible that someone lets out his favorite pets in the lake, and thinking that it's a prank by some happy pranksters who knew the media would go for this bait.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Yep, it's really hot...

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Sleep, baby sleep
My plan is to use the Fad Gadget song "Sleep" (listen to it on youtube here, great song) as the primary lullaby over the coming years. The lyrics are:
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Evolution of the Species

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Can't you at least pretend that it's a bit exclusive?

Monday, July 19, 2010
Super Adventure at the used car shop!

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Something to look at while summer is ongoing - Tot Big commercial
So meanwhile, I can perhaps recommend this recent commercial for a large lottery here in Japan featuring the "ugly girl" comedian group Morisanchu which I find quite entertaining (and it's playing a lot recently). The basic premise is that in the next round it's the 100th person that will get the big jackpot of 600MN JPY (~$6MN USD) and they're imagining that they will be the one (whatever, just watch it, doesn't matter that much).
Friday, July 16, 2010
"No! You stupid woman, pasta is for lunch!"

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Faith healing!

The product manager in my company excitedly told me of how impressed the customer had been with the product, and the dramatic improvement that was seen in the patient previously in a critical condition.
He went on to tell me of how the patient values had improved and then, for additional impact added with emphasis "They told me that the patient even managed to eat a little on his own!". Then he suddenly became silent for a few seconds, looked a bit introspective and thoughtfully added "but I have no idea how that happened because when I was there just now the patient was in a coma with IV nutrition and has been since admission..."
It seems like our product can perform wonders indeed!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Now showing on the Nat. Geographic Channel: The Charisma Dog Trainer!

Monday, July 12, 2010
Buying a house in Japan Part 5 - The Hunt is on!

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Failing at being a manly man...

Not being able to perform in bed
Not being able to properly light a barbecue fire
As you understand, I experienced the humiliation of failing at one of the above...
Since we now have a little garden with the Salaryman family house, I decided to purchase an outdoor grill to have a little western style barbecue, just the three of us in the family (Baby Sunshine is still hogging all the boob so her interest was limited). Despite an hour of attempts, plenty of coal, obscene amounts of highly flamable gel/liquid and paper I had to concede failure... I had failed at lighting the barbecue grill...s
I think that this is much much worse than not being able to perform in bed since there are always other circumstances that you can blame and eventually you are sure to make a glorious comeback, but this? Not being able to light a fire with all the necessary equipment? I'm not sure if I can reclaim my manliness after this... One way would be to buy an electric grill and pretend like that's "much better", but I would know, deep inside, that it's just a lie...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
"But if it's just there, why can't I take it and use it?"

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Well, that might not be very respectful you know?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Wow! That's a mighty fine... ... ... hanger you got there?
Now, Mrs. Sunshine bought this thinking that it was a cute little thing to put on the wall, and convenient as well to hang stuff on the little "hook".
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Another Sumo Wrestling scandal that I couldn't care less about

Monday, July 5, 2010
Preaching to the choir!

Sunday, July 4, 2010
Excessive mucus secretion and how to deal with it

Saturday, July 3, 2010
The harsh summer cold