This post is about the great Swedish goth group called "Catherines Cathedral" who released three cds back in the '90s, the music was so goth that it's hard to be more goth that those, just calling a cd "flowerdust" and having songs called "Morpheus of the endless" or "Noxious Pandemonium" gives a rating of 11 on the gotho-meter. The singer called himself M. Valley and tried to emulate both Andrew Eldritch of Sisters of Mercy and Carl McCoy of Fields of the Nephilim at the same time, and they had a drummachine that they in true goth fashion called "Colonel Phobia". This is about as goth as it'll ever be.
That said, I actually really liked this group, sure they were corny and the image was too goth for their own good, but they did make some top notch catchy goth songs. I remember back in the day going to the hottest EBM music club in Stockholm with my friends of the time and going to the goth dance floor requesting the song "Sensurround" together with my friend Jorgen which usually quickly resulted in an empty dance floor except for me and him. Then the owner of the club, which we thought seemed like a really nice guy, got arrested for murder, but that's another story.
The sad thing is that I seem to be the only person in the world that actually liked this group, I even bought their side project "Silent Echo" which was almost as goth as the main band... But after their last CD "Equilibrium" they just dissapeared and possibly are missed just by me...
No, it's not just you who miss that Band..
A Question: do you or maybe someone elso you know have, or know how to get, a Picture of the Band or, at least, a description of the Members? It's damn important to me..
Hello there,
iam like you extremely missing this band... got to know them just some months ago and i could have sworn that i hear Carl *who is God - g* McCoy singing there... i so love the song "Grief", and i also search for a photo of the band/the singer since i heard this song. Like nigthmare said: it is damn important for me, too ;-)
Stay in contact if you like, have a good day,
Well well, it seems like I'm not alone!
In an old magazine somewhere I recall having an interview with the band and a photo of the two guys as well. Send me an e-mail and I'll see if I can mail you that somehow if I can find it.
If I'm not mistaken the lead singers name was "Markus Dahl" and his family name translates into "Valley" in English, thus the name "M. Valley".
Otherwise we can just hope that one of the former band members happen to google the group and find this page and drops a message ;)
oh what great news... please please send it to me :-). My email is: somekindofodessa@gmx.net
Thanks a lot for your help! Blessed be, best wishes to you,
Nej du är definitivt inte den enda som saknar detta band. Jag och några kompisar lyssnade på dem när det begav sig och har sedan "Equilibrium" släpptes undrat vad som hände med dem.
Favoritplattan är "Intoxication" som jag sitter och lyssnar på just nu. "Silent Echo" hade jag faktiskt inte ens hört talas om, men nu måste jag se om jag kan få tag på den.
Konstigt att det inte finns någon som helst information om bandet på internet. Det finns mer skrivet om obskyra punkband från Chile som släppte sunkiga demokassetter i 30 exemplar under tidigt 80-tal än vad det finns om detta suveräna gothband med fyra officiella skivsläpp.
I just discovered your blog as I listen to Intoxication.
There's a bloke in Milwaukee with a good goth radio station titled Cathedral 13 who plays Isabelle regularly.
There are a few who remember this band after all!
O.K. everybody i have search for the band albun And i could not find the Equilibrium (for the other two the page is http://getalbums.ru/sitemap/17 and the instructions are in russian or I guess so ) and this one of my all time favorite bands. so if anyone knows where to it In this country is a bit hard to find (mexico) may the godz of goth be with you
sorry this is the rigth link enjoy them as much as every do
Cubo - Send me your e-mail and I might be able to mail you something ;)
My mail is foto_paramount@yahoo.com.mx
Lot of thanks
ever heard of "the preachers of neverland"? apparently released on the same record label.
The singers name is Magnus and not Markus. For the rest of them I don't think I should drag their name in the dirt. Guess most of them actually trying to forget some of this. Silent Echo is not a side project for Magnus but they didn't have a singer at that time so they hired him for the CD.
Hi there Anonymous,
I like it how I have this little mini-site dedicated to CC on the otherwise completely unrelated content.
Thank you for the correction, but I don't see how they have anything to be ashamed of. It was a bit corny, but then we all were in the 90's and they did write some catchy songs. Also, thanks for the clarification on Silent Echo! Don't think I ever saw any info about that project!
It's nothing to do with being ashamed of the music. I quite like it still and I actually got the Equilibrium CD from Magnus as a gift one evening we were out drinking. It's just that it all ended in drugs and chaos.
As someone mentined, check out The Preachers of Neverland. They released the first Catherines Cathedral CD on their label. They did them selves a 12"-"Autoskopia", a CDS-"Incision" and a CD-"Artificial Paradise". The label have a MySpace and a website http://www.myspace.com/preacherscath and http://preacherscath.zxq.net/. Enjoy!
Magnus Dahl, the singer lives in Stockholm
David Pettersson the guitarrplayer lives in Västervik and is a friend of mine.
Morgan Steiver who played synteziser also lives in Västervik and work on the hospital...OK thanks for me
Hello please mail me the magazine interview+picture.
It's importent for a me and a friend
my older brother got a cd 94 i think from the singer and smiled and his word was"västerviks best band"
Yes, yes, this was a great band. Btw, does anyone know if the lyrics from Equilibrium, esp. Ring of Fire, were ever published somewhere? (They're not on the inlay of the cd.)
I used to worship this band! (secretly of course)
I own all three cds which I bought, amazingly, at Megastore. I think they'd probably already broken up by then. They were, indeed, too goth to be true. But then so was I... And I am still in my heart. ;-)
wardGreetings from Colombia, and i really love this band, me and my wife love this band... I always wanted to see a picture from the band... They got a great bass player and made great music...
So wonderful to find this little article, I've had the flowerdust CD for quite a while and it's a shame that more information or music cannot be found online, as I was hoping to find at least a picture of the band. But I'm glad that my research brought me here, it's always good to know you are not alone :) Cheers!
Dear sirs and misses!
CATHERINES CATHEDRAL is now available on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, WiMP (Tidal?), and so on. Some nice and clever people decided to do the right thing and release them for all to hear! It's great to know that so many people still like this band.
Three albums are finally on Spotify.
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