Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The plot thickens...

By the power of Grayskull...I have the power!

Regardless of what impression you might have gotten from that post the fact is that I greatly appreciate Ikea and find it to be a great place to buy furniture of good quality at a very reasonable price.
However... Just recently Ikea got harshly slapped on their fingers here in Japan due to their lacking instruction manuals. Somehow the government officials must've come across my post somewhere and reacted in what they believed to be to my help and will force Ikea to more detailed manuals for the Japanese market. I feel a bit bad about it although I wouldn't mind slightly more comprehensible manuals, but I did not intend for this to happen at a cost that I am sure is very significant considering the number of manuals, writing and printing.
Oh yeah, I also saw somewhere something about a guy in Chiba injuring his eye on a screw due to using the wrong screwdriver (don't ask me how) when assembling a nice drawer from Ikea but the manual lacking in specifying what type of screwdriver to use. This might also have been a minor contributing factor.
Monday, April 28, 2008
It's that time of year again!

A string of public holidays put in quick order making for a short breather in the harsh world of business, the holidays are exceptionally pointless. Ok, "Constitution day" has at least some historical significance, but "Greenery Day" and "Children's Day" score pretty high up there in pointlessness in my book. "Children's day" is about "a day set aside to respect children's personalities and to celebrate their happiness". I can now very clearly say that I will not celebrate neither their personalities nor their happiness.
However, to add insult to injury, this year has the holidays placed in a pretty bad order only giving a measly string of 4 free days in a row.
Holiday you say? So you're thinking fun trips to exciting places? No I say and I'm a salaryman so I know what I'm talking about. Because the whole nation is off at the same time, any place you think is a good idea to go to is already swarming with thousands of salarymen with their families that had the same thought you did. The best strategy is to try and stay out of harms way and don't think about flying anywhere because the airport is swarming with people and the travel companies are consumer friendly enough to pump up ticket prices to almost the double of normal rates.
I have a vague recollection of someone earlier posting a comment on a possible "Golden Shower Week" as a theme for this week and I will personally abstain from that theme this year but to each his own!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
How much for that piece under the back flipper?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Listen up!
Ok! Now I have to do one of my "Mr. Salaryman endorses" things again! Because May will be a very interesting month in terms of music since two of the current best bands are releasing new records. First we have the great band Tiamat releasing a new record after 5 long years of silence. I'm old and jaded and there's very few bands that I feel are "cool", but Tiamat is a really cool band! If you haven't heard them earlier you should definately pick up their album "Judas Christ" which is one of the best goth albums ever! Just when I thought goth was finally dead this metal band comes out and just blows the door of the hinges with a very "Vision Thing"-esque album, but even better, complete with the Steinman-like production. You need to have this and don't be scared by the goth thing, it just plainly rocks!
Then we have the greatest synth-pop group currently active, Universal Poplab also realeasing a new album and the singles that has leaked out indicates that it'll be another great album! I just hope that this group can break into the mainstream because the potential is there!
These two groups have the "Mr. Salaryman seal of approval" and you should buy the cds!
...too bad the latest Moby album was such a dissapointment after the masterpiece "Hotel", but he always was a bit unreliable in terms of quality of his albums...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
"There is no spoon"

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Further down the rabbit hole...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Down the rabbit hole

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
It's great and I hate it!

Thursday, April 10, 2008
We should have a meeting and discuss this!

Monday, April 7, 2008
First day at work...

Friday, April 4, 2008
Hey, I have a logo!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Cherry blossom of the apocalypse!