All in all,2009 certainly was a pretty eventful years for yours truly on many fronts, but here comes some highlights of the year and the traditional awards:
Biggest Event of 2009 is definitely the wedding with Ms. Sunshine that took place during the year, something that is laid out much more in detail in my "getting married in Japan series" which I probably should finish up soon...
Most Intense Family Gathering in Japan in 2009 was the influx of family that either came to stay at the Salaryman-Sunshine lair in conjunction with the wedding and the family and friends that for some reason had happened to book hotels in the middle of one of the less than family friendly areas in Ikebukuro... A lot of fun, but also a lot to take care of and preventing me from walking around naked in the apartment for several weeks...
Music That Came Out Of Nowhere And Knocked Me Out 2009 was the Swedish group Kite but besides from that 2009 was a pretty poor year musically as far as I'm concerned, with the old men in the Mobile Homes showing the strongest and most unexpected comeback...
Biggest Purchase 2009 was the house that the Salaryman-Sunshine family bought in 2009 and rest assured that you will hear more about it in my next upcoming hit series "buying a house in Japan" here on the blog when I get around to it.
Best toy of 2009 was without doubt the great God-Jesus , I can agree that practically the toy wasn't launched this year, but due to the lack of competition it still wins the award of best toy 2009!
Wishing all my readers a very Happy New Year and hope to see you around here again in the glorious year of the Tiger 2010!
Merry new year!
The "getting married in Japan" series is like the Never Ending Story, and it might make it all the way through this year...
Looking forward to the buying a house series!
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