Monday, March 31, 2008

I finally did it!
Friday, March 28, 2008
...so is this going to be a discussion about the war?

Catherines Cathedral, where did you go?

This post is about the great Swedish goth group called "Catherines Cathedral" who released three cds back in the '90s, the music was so goth that it's hard to be more goth that those, just calling a cd "flowerdust" and having songs called "Morpheus of the endless" or "Noxious Pandemonium" gives a rating of 11 on the gotho-meter. The singer called himself M. Valley and tried to emulate both Andrew Eldritch of Sisters of Mercy and Carl McCoy of Fields of the Nephilim at the same time, and they had a drummachine that they in true goth fashion called "Colonel Phobia". This is about as goth as it'll ever be.
That said, I actually really liked this group, sure they were corny and the image was too goth for their own good, but they did make some top notch catchy goth songs. I remember back in the day going to the hottest EBM music club in Stockholm with my friends of the time and going to the goth dance floor requesting the song "Sensurround" together with my friend Jorgen which usually quickly resulted in an empty dance floor except for me and him. Then the owner of the club, which we thought seemed like a really nice guy, got arrested for murder, but that's another story.
The sad thing is that I seem to be the only person in the world that actually liked this group, I even bought their side project "Silent Echo" which was almost as goth as the main band... But after their last CD "Equilibrium" they just dissapeared and possibly are missed just by me...
Look at the pendlum...

Thursday, March 27, 2008
I want a Vii!
I own both a Wii and a Playstation 3 and I must admit that the PS3 most often gets used for playing, but I got a soft spot for the Wii and when you have friends over it's unbeatable. The Wii has a certain charm of its own and as a farewell gift from the great consulting company I also got a copy of the Smash Bros game which I actually am enjoying playing now, even alone due to the extremely corny "story mode". As I've also mentioned earlier, I was the Mario Party champion in the office.
A while back I came across another gaming console that seems a bit interesting, the Chinese manufactured Vii, for the features I recommend watching the video which probably will be entertaining even if you don't understand Japanese. My favorite part is when they interview the Chinese "Vii" representative and he talks about how only they and Nintendo has access to the motion control device (that guy seems to forget that Sony also utilizes it in the PS3 controller, but whatever I guess...).
My favorite game I'd like to play is the exciting "Fry Egg" which seems to be an egg frying simulator, just what the world needed!
I can just imagine the poor Chinese kid who desperately wanted a Wii in present and his well meaning dad comes across the "Vii" and buys that instead...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The high cost of living... and moving...

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Doing the research!


Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I shit you not!

Sunday, March 16, 2008
I'm outta here

So for this blog it will mean a slight change in content in that the work insights into high powered consulting will be change to the life in a more corporate environment, but rest assured that madness will follow me as I move.
So, farewell pointless IM convoys, long lunch breaks, crazy/stupid clients and welcome back to suits, neckties and dailys shaves!
Oh, and yeah, the Justice Leaguer that quit in that magazine was Hawkman, he and Hawkwoman returned to Thanagar in that issue, in case you got curious.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Well, this is miserable, isn't it?

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Well, I think this one illustrates the latest development...

The details will come later on, meanwhile the picture captures the gist of it!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
I know I know I know!!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
It died alone, broke and will be missed by noone

An unforgiving memory conspicuously brought
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Anatomy of a Corporation - Pt. 1 The HR Department