Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Turd of the Day

This morning, I woke next to the always wonderful Ms. Sunshine and as we were having breakfast we were having the tv on to one of the many Japanese morning shows. As Ms. Sunshine was in the kitchen getting something a segment called "kyou no wanko" (today's dog) started and since I know that she's a big animal friend I gently called out in Japanese "kyou no wanko desu yo" ("today's dog is on now) to her to which I got back a surprised and pretty loud "what? What did you just say?". To which I replied in English "It's that puppy thing on?".

A relieved laugh from her "I thought you said "kyou no unko!"" Which would be translated to "today's turd". But hey, this is Japan so you can never be too sure, maybe it's the next big thing!


OzBurger said...

Well, this is Japan. They might just have that kind of thing on TV soon.

If you've seen the AV section... EWW!!

Unknown said...

hahaha that totally made me laugh out loud! today's crap - that would be a ridiculous segment but totally believable for japan

Anonymous said...

This is Japan...

Chris said...

The already have "unko" choco and penis festivals.....with candy and ice cream penises. I think we are already beyond "turd O' the day".

Anonymous said...

That has got to be the cutest turd out there! Makes me think of it in a whole new light =D

Mr. Salaryman said...

Contamition - What's wrong with the AV section? I assume you mean Audio Video section? Or are you trolling in places you shouldn't?

But pretty funny shit.

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