Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm outta here to try some new things!

That's it, today I'm outta here to explore new worlds in a country founded by rapists and thieves. Please see the picture for some of the new things I'd like to try - cross cooking at it's best!


Anonymous said...

Have a nice trip and watch out for the dropbears!

Unknown said...

Hm, jag har ätit säl, bäver, val och en hel del annat konstigt, men aldrig platypus (eller vad nu djuret nere till vänster heter). Om du äter det kräver jag en detaljerad redogörelse av upplevelsen! ^^

Mr. Salaryman said...

Penguin - Yeah, I've heard the stories about the dropbears, but managed to avoid any lasting damage through the use of helmets.

Mattias - Hej, if you don't mind, I'd like to keep the language here English to not alienate non-Swedish visitors. But yeah, the strangest thing I actually had was the kangaroo steak and it really wasn't anything special, tasted a bit like... ... ... meat...?

Anonymous said...

T_T they're all so cute but juxtaposed with their meat counterparts makes a depressing picture... it'd be the same if you did it with cows or baby pigs.

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