The job of that department is basically that of propaganda. Telling us how great it is to work for our little company and what exciting things are going on. Sometimes things are not going that well and some measures need to be taken and internal communications is the department that takes the lead in this. My view of them is something of a propaganda department in the style of Nazi Germany or the Stalinist Soviet Union. They want to make the company think in a certain way and utilizes the communication channels they have at their disposals.
However, despite what you think due to what I compared them to above, they usually consists of some of the nicest people in the company. Usually very very friendly and really curious on what actually is going on, however, since they're sitting back at head office they're usually very disconnected to what's actually going on in the sales companies and what we're up against on a daily basis. If this was WW1 and I was deep in the trenches waiting for the next round of mustard gas to come down on me, these would be the people leaving a stack of leaflets in the trench, talking about how the next version of gas masks, that will be delivered in a year, will feature an improved design.
Last week there was an article up there which had a sub-heading reading "Inventory - A Necessary Evil". Please suck on that for a bit. For me, working in a sales company, inventory is something we need to have to be able to supply our customers with the products they need, when they need it. Sure, it costs money if it's just sitting there, but I never considered it an "evil". But perhaps I was wrong, perhaps the inventory is just sitting there scheming, making up its evil plans, but I have to accept it because I need it to supply the customers.
My views on inventory has been significantly altered, no longer will I go inte the company warehouse alone or unarmed...
(Bonus points if you can name the person in the picture, probably one of the most despicable persons in the history of man and of course has nothing to do with the lovely people in my corporate communications!)
I haven´t read the article but i think you might have missunderstood what they meant...
If your office has a propaganda unit, is there a Gestapo unit in your office as well?
Salaryman ... You're a fucking animal.
Salaryman...You're a fucking animal.
Salaryman...You're a fucking animal.
Salaryman ... You're a fucking animal.
'scuse me if the above is some meme which has escaped my attention, but I suppose I must also say "Salaryman ... You're a fucking animal."
Anyway, who is the guy in the picture? Rings a bell but just can't place him. Give us a clue at least, like country?
I'm not sure what the whole animal deal is about, but hey, who am I to argue with you gentlemen.
Penguin - You should know this guy, he's "Julius Streicher". One of the nastiest foulest nazis ever. He was publisher of "Der Sturmer" the newspaper so venemously anti-semitic that it was a bit too much even for Goebbles and he got thrown out in the cold. Those semi-pornographic images of beautiful german women being abused by evil jews probably didn't help his case either.
As an amusing anecdote, he was hanged after the Nurnberg trials but for some reason the noose was not tied properly which made his death slow and painful from suffocation instead of the quick snap of the neck. Always a fun and amusing anecdote to bust out at dinner parties and other formal occasions.
Hah, and I actually went to the trouble of checking this but didn't match the face.
2nd from the bottom on the 2nd column from left.
Haha, there they are. I still feel it's a bit sad that they used that picture of Goring when he was on the prison diet and not the horrible big blob that he was in his prime, ubermensch indeed!
I am impressed though that you came that close but failed to recognize the old Julius, stumbling by the finishing line!
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