First, let's see a representative example of a J-pop girl's group...

Then, let's compare it to the most recent K-pop stars here in Japan; "Girl's Generation"

Of course, it would not be fair to not make the same comparison between boy groups either, so find a representative example of a J-pop boy band...

Which you can compare to a typical K-pop example...

The above comparison should provide all the information you need to understand the differences between K-pop and J-pop!
(To help you out a bit; in J-Pop, the girls look like kids and the boys look like girls!)
The difference between K-Pop and J-Pop in videos:
So the conclusion from your exhaustive photo selection is that kpop is sexier and more sophisticated (or at least looks that way) and jpop is cuter and more colourful?
Aimlesswanderer, nice way to portray both in positive lights! I would've said K-pop wins because they're more talented and better-looking (plastic surgery), but good for you for being impartial. I wish everyone could be more like you!
Mr. Salaryman, didn't know you were into pop music... sorry but I usually have to skip your music posts because our tastes don't match... :(
K-pop = more girls and less guys?
J-pop = more guys and less girls?
Oh, c'mon here people! I think the conclusion would be obvious; I was taking the piss on J-pop here and how the girl groups look like kids and the boy bands look like girls... ;-)
But yeah, can't say I listen to either, but at least the K-pop stars wins in the image department as far as I'm concerned!
...and here I thought I would get tons of people making a scene about how there so IS J-pop bands that are sexy and cool
i don't know what are they,please help me if anyone can.
But then again, let's not forget the Takarazuka Revue....
I like K-Pop now more than J-pop, I like Korean songs.
As to plastic surgery thing, I think it's very popular too to Japanese? no? But yes, Korean celebs are more sophisticated, and even with plastic surgery, their looks are natural.
to the plastic surgery
that picture of K-pop boy band is called bigbang who got nominated in MTV European Award in 2011 :) and none of them got plastic surgery :)
This is an unfair comparison.
If you want edgy, sleek and sophisticated J-pop you go to Namie Amuro, m-flo, Crystal Kay, Ayumi Hamasaki, ICONIQ, and Koda Kumi.
The main difference is that in J-pop idol groups are not supposed to be sophisticated, they cater to teenagers and trendy youth.
If you want sophisticated and mature you go to the solo artists.
It works like the USA. Japan is the 2nd largest market in the world, right after the USA. Its extremely diverse, you can't categorize and represent it that simply. Japan and USA only have like 25% difference in overall value.
South Korea is ranked 20th in the music industry. United Kingdom is 3rd followed by Germany, 4th, and France, 5th.
Also you have to be kidding to compare Japanese group with Korean group. Look at the Japanese industry. It's much better than the single genre that you hear all the time in Korea. Also look up vocaloid and Touhou (arranges), it's something that non-publishing artists create. J-pop unlike K-pop, has a much wider range of sound (popular music in Japan has a large amount of genre). Also Japanese industry, as mentioned, is only second to USA.
If you can watch this, it shows how similar K-pop is to American, even to the point of ripping off Americans:
I don't know much of this, but I know someone who listens to K-Pop, and I distincly remember pictures of a K-Pop boy band, and they did look like girls, as much as in your japan picture. They had colored hair and earrings.... Also the band was named "Best Absolute Perfect". Yes, I repeat : "Best Absolute Perfect".
By the way I've just looked for a K-Pop girl band (Girls' Generation), and they definitely don't look legal lol. K-Pop doesn't seem as serious as in your pictures.
I know this is old, but I found this post sooooo bias that I had to wrote something...
Do you actually live in Japan? I can't believe it, really.
You are bias towards Kpop, I can notice that. Why, then, the picture of that Jpop girl group has more than 10 ten years? that group doesn't exist anymore. And let me tell you: no, Jpop girl groups don't look like kids and the boys don't looks like girls. You're just an ignorant man that didn't do a proper research.
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