Monday, July 30, 2007
I need God-Jesus in my life!

Saturday, July 28, 2007
"I hate minority"
The latest favorite I've seen was a guy with a slightly provocative t-shirt saying: "Public - I hate minority". I think it was very brave of that man to be so up front about his hate, the t-shirt didn't specify which minority he had the hatred for, but considering the broad message I assume that it's a general hatred for anything minority-like. After all, it's not like they've got strength in numbers or anything.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Straight Outta Ikebukuro

Sunday, July 22, 2007
...so... you into Karate?

Thursday, July 19, 2007
All things must come to an end...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Justice for All!

I must admit that I am a bit of a superhero fan and I have a project undergoing that is not going as much forward as I would like due to the unavailability of some of the items. I am looking to have a full t-shirt collection with the logos of the classic '70-'80s DC comics Justice Leage of America characters. One aspect of this is the collection and the satisfaction I would get out of owning these items, but I also have one more practical aspect in mind.
It would be great to, each morning, use the t-shirt of the hero I feel most like on that given day. Currently I own Superman, Batman, Green Lantern and the Flash t-shirts and they are used in the following moods:
Superman - I'm feeling pretty good and think I can handle pretty much anything that gets thrown at me
Batman - I'm feeling slightly more moody and dark, but also like the world's greatest detective
Green Lantern - For those days when I feel a bit freaky and creative
The Flash - When I feel like doing things quickly
In addition to these mainstays I especially would like to add these to my collection:
Hawkman - When I'm feeling a bit on edge with some repressed aggression it would be great
The Atom - For those days when I'm feeling a bit insignificant
Aquaman - Well... mostly beachwear I guess...
I can live without Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman t-shirts since I can't really imagine a day when I would feel like them, but never say never.
Monday, July 16, 2007
New project: Partnership Screening Project

Shaking things up

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Blown away

Sunday, July 8, 2007
In-office prancing (Peter Pan style)

Saturday, July 7, 2007
Hopes and Dreams
Well, the good news is that I don't think this year can end up much worse after all. From now on it can only get better I hope!
I do have hopes and dreams you know, there are things that I am looking to achieve with my life and not only continue with this consulting thing. Since quite a few years back I have set up some things that I want to achieve with my life:
1. See the faces behind the voices of the Simpsons - This one is already taken care of, with the when the Internet became useful for other things than porn I managed to get this done.
2. Be able to call myself Mr. Salaryman Ramone - Unfortunately this one is impossible now since both Joey, Johnny and Dee Dee of the Ramones have passed away... You can't have it all I guess...
3. Play the US President in a movie - This is a more long term thing, might take another 10-15 years before I get a clear shot at this. Preferrably it should be some Tom Clancy style thriller but I am open to ideas.
4. Find a mistake when Luke explains something about food and/or wine - This one is pretty new, he always impresses me with his knowledge in food and cooking, but just once I'd like to hear him make a mistake...
I'm working hard and focused, these are my hopes and dreams and it's only me who can make them real!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
How to exceed in Business, lesson 1
* Even when using messenger
* Don't stop if anyone tells you to
One of us is crazy and I don't think it's me...

Getting with the Convo

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Beware...of the tooth fairy