It wasn't really until I basically had reached the subway station that I realized what I had done... I have loudly complained about the usage of umbrellas here in Japan when it's snowing time and time again and despite my strong opinions on this subject, without realizing it, I had become one of them...
When I reached my station and the snow had turned to hail mixed with snow and hail I really wanted to use the umbrella but felt so disgusted with myself because of my betrayal of all that's good and sensible that I put my head down and walked straight through it.
Is this how it starts? Little by little I start slipping, I'm just glad that I still had senses enough to realize what I had done... I feel dirty and ashamed of myself...
When I reached my station and the snow had turned to hail mixed with snow and hail I really wanted to use the umbrella but felt so disgusted with myself because of my betrayal of all that's good and sensible that I put my head down and walked straight through it.
Is this how it starts? Little by little I start slipping, I'm just glad that I still had senses enough to realize what I had done... I feel dirty and ashamed of myself...
(bonus points to anyone who know who the interesting fellow in the picture is!)
Shame on you! Next thing you know you'll be cycling on footpaths while using your mobile phone, stopping immediately before the ticket barriers to get your Suica out (during rush hour) and sneezing impossibly loudly in public places.
Does he begin with a Q?
I had a small internal fight myself yesterday when I left the train station for home... Sadly the swedish side of me didn't win and I raised my umbrella for my walk home. I have also complained about the japanese fear of both rain and snow. Possibly this was a step on my travel to the "dark side" ;-)
Btw: The man in the picture is the "infamous" norwegian Vidkun Quisling.
But doesn't Quisling look like David Brent of Office fame?
Nevil and Salaryman. You are both dirty little boys!
Think I missed something. Never used an umbrella for snow myself, but what's the big deal?
Alright, I admit it. Even worse, I didn't realize until I read this post. I used my umbrella the other night too.
Filed under: "You know you've been in Japan too long when...."
I guess the picture question was a little too easy for my Scandinavian readers, but I still think that it's a messed up world where people can identify Quisling so quickly but no one seem to know who the "Molten Man" is... (
But yes, Abiko, when you mention it, he did look a bit like David Brent, but I think it's one of the rare cases when David Brent actually had a better management style...
Blue Shoe -Exactly, see my older posts I linked in the post.
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