Friday, September 17, 2010

Don't make her cranky, you wouldn't like her when she's cranky...

Most of the time Baby Sunshine is a little angel of a baby, but when she gets cranky, she transforms into something completely different ...

So far she has managed to scare of the baby-loving and always pleasant Mother-in-Law, from babysitting her, after a one-to-one 4 hour bout of savage crankiness, especially since the mere sight of a nipple made of artificial material (not attached to a boob at one end) seem to be one trigger of the transformation. She has agreed to babysit her as long as one of her handlers (i.e. me or Mrs. Sunshine-Salaryman) is around to control her, which, mind you, kinda defeats the purpose of "babysitting"...


Anonymous said...

That girl is gonna break a lotta hearts when she grows up. Look at that cute liddle face...awwwww

I'm surprised that the MIL is not up to the challenge! You'd think that after having raised kids of her own that she would know what to do. Most babies do not like the transition from boob to fake boob but it has to happen sometime. I've heard of kids who nurse until they're six years old. That is really gross and disturbing. Don't let that happen.

I hope a lot of the moms that read your blog post here because they probably can help you with baby stuff/advice on how to make her a less cranky baby.

Did you know some Australian woman developed a baby cry language? It teaches people to recognize baby's cries. Like if a baby is hungry, it makes a certain sound that is different from when it is feeling uncomfortable or needs its diaper changed, etc.

Mr. Salaryman said...

She is adorable when crankiness is turned off or on low volume at least... But rest assured that I'm not going to let the baby hog all the boob for longer than necessary!

aimlesswanderer said...

Babies and little kids are generally very entertaining, but if they aren't yours, if something goes wrong (or if you get tired of them) you can hand them back to their parents.

However, if the kid is yours, then you shouldn't do that. It's a big responsibility...

Martin said...

Well you at least know that MIL isn´t a bionic granny.

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