Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Japanese Candid Camera

Ok, this is not normally something I do here on my blog, but there's this quite hilarious candid camera episode from the show "Bakushou Panic Face" that they show here on the TBS channel (recently the changed the name to "Bakushou Powerful Face" for some reason though). The stuff in there is a bit hit-and-miss, but this is a classic one that is too good to be missed out just because you can't understand Japanese so I have quickly subtitled it (I did it quickly and pretty rough, but it should help you get the gist of it).

Just so proper credit is given where it's due, I found it here at youtube in the Japanese version and then slapped on subtitles here...

1 comment:

aimlesswanderer said...

what I can't understand is how there can be so many shows where the main "entertainment" (and I use that term very loosely) is provided by the windows of "celebrities" (and I use that term even more loosely) laughing. Or saying "oishii". Ever time I see one of those I can feel my brain cells dying...

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