Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Now that the cats and dogs stay away, it's so much better!"

Ok, a real life photo here taken close to grandmother Sunshine's place back in Osaka! A long time ago I asked about the old myth of pet bottles and the effect in scaring off cats and dogs from peeing down the place (post here). However, this lady (somehow I can't picture that a man would do this) took it one step further!

This set-up is a lot more advanced than the questionable and simple use of pet bottles! It's bound to scare off cats, dogs and random people passing by. I just wonder if this lady really thought it through properly since this advanced "scare away cats and dogs" contraption seems to A) be a lot more annoying than the occasional peeing of animals and B) actually work even less than pet bottles since it provides the dogs something convenient to pee on and allow cats to crawl under.

...there's something refreshing about crazy people in the countryside!


J said...

I love imagining the anger preceding the tinfoil wrath and aggressive ladder and pipe styling...

Mr. Salaryman said...

Yeah, I bet she was *PISSED* at all those filthy animals peeing and pooing all over her wonderful... ... ... gray wall? I bet she's not an animal lover...

aimlesswanderer said...

I love the sign, and how it's tied to the wall. Maybe Japan isn't so crime free after all.

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